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We started off the day by looking at a biking map of New York City and tracing Avenue A as its name changes to Pleasant, Sutton Place, and York Avenue to reflect varying degrees of affluence. We also discussed the exceptional quality of New York City tap water, which contains added fluoride in order to prevent cavities. With those lessons in mind, we set off for the East River! We rode along the river, stopping by Carl Schurz park for a quick snack and play break. We also found our very first geocache! The hint took us to the ground beside a set of stairs, where Will spotted a tiny container.
After logging the find, it was time to keep bicycling. We headed up the esplanade, and Omar found our second geocache near the gate! We also took a minute to replace Daniela’s back tire tube, as it had gone flat earlier. After riding up the esplanade a little further, Carmen took a water sample from the East River to test for pH, pesticides, hardness, nitrite/nitrate, and chlorine later on. Our group split up when the brakes on Jaylin’s bike started screeching; Cappy and Jaylin took the bike to a repair shop, while the rest of us kept going to Peter Detmold Park. We ate our lunch in the park and watched the dogs playing in the dog run. When Cappy and Jaylin came back, we found a third geocache on the bridge! After that, it was time to head back to school to test our water sample and make lanyards for our ride tokens. Here’s to a great first week of Cyclopedia!
Water Testing Results:
pH: 8
Hardness: (dissolved calcium and magnesium): 425 ppm, very hard
Chlorine: 0
Nitrate: less than 0.5 mg/L
Nitrite: less than 0.15 mg/L
Lead: negative
Pesticide: positive
Bacteria: weak positive
Ride Statistics:
9.1 miles biked
462 calories burned biking
.44 miles walked
45 calories burned
Total Calories Burned: 507
Estimates based on 100lbs, 5′ 2″ ht, 13 yo, average between male and female.
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