Ride Photos
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We started biking as soon as possible to bypass the rain, crossing the Broadway Bridge and stopping at Swindler’s Cove for a quick water break. At Van Cortlandt Park, we met the Bronx Parks Commissioner, Iris Rodriguez-Rosa, who discussed some of her programming with us. We kept biking to Tibbetts Brook Park on a muddy path through the trees; we learned that the trick to biking through mud is to keep biking to prevent sinking and getting stuck but biking slowly to minimize any splashing through puddles. The off-roading was tough, but we all got through it!
At Tibbetts Brook Park, we ate our lunch and had fun on the playground. It started to rain, so we hopped on our bikes and rode to Tibbetts Brook Park Lake to collect a water sample. After that, we biked to the southern end of the park to revisit a geocache last year’s Cyclopediacs hid near a mailbox. We rode back to Van Cortlandt, through the muddy path, to a row of stone pillars amidst the trees beside the museum. Why are they there? Ori explained that they were built to test the weathering of different types of stone in order to decide which stone to use for Union Station. (Indiana limestone, the second most southern pillar, was chosen!)
Beside the house, the lesson continued with the history of the museum as well as the special features of the park. We took a short break for water, the bathroom, a short pep talk, and a cathartic primal scream in the middle of the field. Refreshed, we biked back to school down the west side on Riverside Drive. It was a long, wet, and muddy ride, but all our Cyclones were such troopers. Good job everyone!
Ride Statistics:
27.8 miles biked
842.5 calories burned biking
.25 miles walked
45 calories burned
Total Calories Burned: 887.5
Estimates based on 100lbs, 5′ 2″ ht, 13 yo, average between male and female.
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