Example Playlists


Playlist 1: Why Bicycle?

XP Content: catalog modes of travel in NYC, describe strengths of bicycle as a vehicle, calculate energy efficiency and distances

Partners/Resources: Cyclopedia staff, online research

Playlist 2: Bicycling Safety

XP Content: Road rules (theory and practice), bicycle safety check, helmet use, using brakes and gears

Partners/Resources: Cyclopedia staff, NYPD guidelines, NYC DOT online resources

Playlist 3: Bicycle Maintenance

XP Content: identify components, adjust brake and gear cables, change flat tube

Partners/Resources: Cyclopedia staff, Heavy Metal bike shop

Playlist 4: Bicycle Repair

XP Content: diagnose bicycle dysfunction, appropriate tool selection, complete repairs

Partners/Resources: online video training, Cyclopedia staff, Heavy Metal Bike Shop



Playlist 1: Water Quality

XP Content: identify categories of water contamination, list potential health effects of contaminants, test drinking water site, test outdoor body of water, document results

Partners/Resources: Mount Sinai Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, water testing kits, online research, cyclopedia.us, Cyclopedia staff

Playlist 2: Air Quality

XP Content: identify categories of air pollution, list potential health effects of pollutants, test air quality indoors, test air quality outdoors, document results

Partners/Resources: Mount Sinai Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), air testing monitor, online research, cyclopedia.us, Cyclopedia staff



Playlist 1: What is a Community?

XP Content: define “community”, identify community of interest, describe health statistics of community, catalog community organizations, identify three issues of concern for residents, propose plan for organizing stakeholders around one issue

Partners/Resources: SINC, Mount Sinai Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), City Council Speaker’s Office, Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service

Playlist 2: Photojournalism

XP Content: describe uses of photojournalism, basic photography training, visit community of interest and photodocument, post photoessay with write-up

Partners/Resources: Parsons School of Design, online video training, camera or phone, cyclopedia.us

Playlist 3: Political Voice

XP Content: define “political voice”, identify political entities in community of interest, identify three political issues in community of interest, identify stakeholders for one issue, speak with policy maker/elected official on that issue, defend support or opposition to that issue

Partners/Resources: Cyclopedia staff, City Council Speaker’s Office, NYC DOH, PEHSU, community stakeholder organizations.

Playlist 4: Money Matters

XP Content: define “wealth” vs “income”, describe characteristics of “poverty”, identify three health outcomes related to poverty, document (writing or photos) your own neighborhood for signs of wealth and poverty, meet with community organization/elected official to learn about current poverty initiative, identify strengths and weaknesses of the initiative, propose plan for engaging stakeholders or accessing more beneficiaries

Partners/Resources: suggested readings, phone/camera, cyclopedia.us, City Council offices, relevant CBOs


Links of Interest:

Past Badges
Sample Journal Capabilities