2012 Entrepreneurial Ride

2012 Entrepreneurial Ride

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Rochester Entrepreneurs:
We focused our ride on faithful Cyclopedia volunteer and entrepreneur Jayarr Steiner. He owns and operates Jayarr Customs, a screen printing company.

Word of the Day: Entrepreneur meaning a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk in a business venture.

The crew went on the short ride to his studio(record high temperature shorten the length of the ride), and learned from the “boss” how his company works. The kids had the opportunity to learn how to transfer a photograph from the to camera, to the computer, generate the image, then hot press it to a t shirt. All the kids made a shirt featuring their face on the front. Jayarr explained his journey to owning his own company from raising start up funds, dedication, hard work, and growing your brand. He urged the kids to find something their passionate about, and growing it into a business.

This trip was on August 4, 2012
Trip distance: 5.88 miles
Programming time: 2 hours
Participants: Vanni Kamara, Momoh Kamara, Daija Graham
Leaders: Shawn Brown, Jayarr Steiner
Teen Leader: Kaurie Griffin

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