The palisades was a very exciting and hard ride. What was hard about the...
Our first trip was in Randalls island we got to explore different types of plants...
First ride: July 7 East river ride- 8 miles Started raining when we were finding...
Practice: ride 1 ‘ practace’:Randalls The fun part is getting wet and I...
Josue Journal East River Ride Ride 1 8 miles July 7.2017 As we started...
New Jersey Palisades Ride My thoughts: Staten Island Ride My thoughts:
East River Ride, 7/16/15 On Thursday I rode on a bike all the way up north to the Triboro...
East River Ride On July 16 2015 we went to the east river and took some water from the...
East River Ride Fue mui bueno por k paseamos Por el rio bimos muchos barcos y subimos puentes a...
East River Ride July 14, 2015 It was really easy to get to the east river we only needed...
East River Ride 2015 First we did the lesson. The word of the day was “bi-cycle”. “Bi” means...
EAST RIVER RIDE When I was cycling with cyclopedia we got poor on it got so bad that our...
Bronx River Ride Hector’s journal On July 28 we rode our bikes to the Bronx. We went to three...
Bronx River Ride When we got to the fish ladder, I was very interested in what it was. At...
East River, 7/14/15 Before the trip I was expecting it would not rain, but it was fun riding in...
East River Ride – Ride 1 On Tuesday, before we headed out we had a lesson about bicycles. We...
Photo Albums: Ride 1: East River I love seeing the sites and riding up the hill and mostly going...
Photo Albums: mckenna east river ride Ride 1: East River it was hard to go up all the hills...
Photo Albums: Mitzy.EastRiver Ride 1: East River Today I had lots of fun we rode the bikes...
Photo Albums: Kayelah East River Ride 1: East River This ride was fun i did it before but i...